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Homebound Ministry

for the homebound of our parish

This ministry is different from extraordinary ministers to the sick. Homebound Ministry team members do not bring the Holy Eucharist to homebound members of our parish. Sometimes, the homebound members of our parish just need someone to talk to and visit with. Some elderly parish members do not have family members that can visit them every week. 


If you wish to be an Extraordinary Minister to the Sick, too, click the here, to learn more. To be an Extraordinary Minister of the Sick, you must already be an Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Eucharist (communion). To learn how to become an Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Eucharist, click here!


If you have any questions or wish to become a part of this ministry, please call the church office!​

To arrange a visit by a member of our Homebound Ministry team, for you or a family member, please call the church office!

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