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Church Cross

Blessed Sacrament Chapel

Built 1950


Exposition & Adoration 


Our parish is currently offering a Holy Hour which will consist of Eucharistic Exposition & Adoration, as well as the opportunity for receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) from 6-7 PM on Thursdays. The celebration of Mass will follow at 7 PM. This will take place in the main church building.


You are always welcome to come adore Christ in the Tablernacle in the Chapel!


Look for the red Sanctuary Candle near

the side of the Tabernacle; if lit the

Eucharist is present within the Tabernacle.

Our Blessed Sacrament chapel offers a calm and peaceful place to pray in the presence
of our Lord.
*Our Chapel is now open 24/7

The Chapel is under 24/7 video surveillance and requires a code to unlock the door, for your safety.

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